Apache Airflow Part 2 — Connections, Hooks, reading and writing to Postgres, and XComs

In part 1, we went through have have basic DAGs that read, logged, and write to custom files, and got an overall sense of file location and places in Airflow. A lot of the work was getting Airflow running locally, and then at the end of the post, a quick start in having it do work.

In part 2 here, we’re going to look through and start some read and writes to a database, and show how tasks can run together in a directed, acyclical manner. Even though they’ll both be with a single database, you can think of stretching them out in other situations.

Again, this post will assume you’re going through and writing this code on your own with some copy paste. If you’re on the path of using what I have written, checkout the github repo here.

Creating database

This post is going to go through and write to postgres. We already created a database for Airflow itself to use, but we want to leave that alone.

So before we get to any of the python code, go and create the new database, add a new user with password, and then create the dts (short name for datetimes, since that’s all we’re doing here) table.

bigishdata=> create table dts (id serial primary key, run_time timestamp, execution_time timestamp);
bigishdata=> \dt
            List of relations
 Schema | Name  | Type  |     Owner
 public | dts   | table | bigishdatauser
(1 rows)

bigishdata=# \d dts
                                          Table "public.dts"
     Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |             Default
 id             | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('dts_id_seq'::regclass)
 run_time       | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 execution_time | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
    "dts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Adding the Connection

Connections is well named term you’ll see all over in Airflow speak. They’re defined as “[t]he connection information to external systems” which could mean usernames, passwords, ports, etc. for when you want to connect to things like databases, AWS, Google Cloud, various data lakes or warehouses. Anything that requires information to connect to, you’ll be able to put that information in a Connection.

With airflow webserver running, go to the UI, find the Admin dropdown on the top navbar, and click Connections. Like example DAGs, you’ll see many default Connections, which are really great to see what information is needed for those connections, and also to see what connections are available and what platforms you can move data to and from.

Take the values for the database we’re using here — the (local)host, schema (meaning database name), login (username), password, port — and put that into the form shown below. At the top, you’ll see Conn Id, and in that input create a name for the connection. This name is clearly important, and you’ll see that we use that in order to say which Connection we want.

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 4.40.22 PM.png

When you save this, you can go to the Airflow database, find the connection table, and you can see the see the values you inputted in that form. You’ll also probably see that your password is there in plain text. For this post, I’m not going to talk about encrypting it, but you’re able to do that, and should, of course.

One more thing to look at is in the source code, the Connection model, form, and view. It’s a flask app! And great to see the source code to get a much better understanding for something like adding information for a connection.


In order to use the information in a Connection, we use what is called a Hook. A Hook takes the information in the Connection, and hooks you up with the service that you created the Connection with. Another nicely named term.

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Apache Airflow Part 1 — Introduction, setup, and writing data to files

When searching for “Python ETL pipeline frameworks”, you’ll see tons of posts about all of the different solutions and products available, where people throw around terms and small explanations of the them.

When you go through articles, the one you will see over and over is Apache Airflow. It’s defined on wikipedia as a “platform created by community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows”. I’d call Airflow big, well used, and worth it to get started and create solutions because knowledge with a running Airflow environment really does help with tons of data work anywhere on the scale.

It isn’t quick to get started with the necessary understanding, but I’ve found that once getting over the initial hump, knowing Airflow is well worth it for the amount of use cases.

Searching for Airflow tutorials, I found most posts being super basic in order to get started and then being left hanging not knowing where to go after. That’s good for a start, but not far enough with what I want to see written.

They also seem to stray by talking about things, like Operators or Plugins, as if everyone knows about them. When starting out, I’d want to have a process that starts at the basic, and takes the more advanced with a good background first. The goal of this series is to get you over that initial hump.

To combat that, this will be a series that starts basic like the other tutorials, where by the end, we will have gone through all the steps of creating an Apache Airflow project from basics of getting it to run locally, writing to files, to using different hooks, connections, operators, to write to different data storages, and write custom plugins that can then be used to write larger, specific tasks.

These posts will talk through creating and having Airflow set up and running locally, and written as if you’re starting out and going to start on your own and I’m talking about what to do to an audience that will use the examples and write their own code. Ff you’d rather have the code first, not write it yourself, and focus on getting Airflow running go ahead and clone the full repo for the whole series here, and get to the point where you can run the tasks and see the outputs. That’s a big enough part of its own.

Twitter, even though I rarely tweet.

Part 1 Overview

I know I said how so many of the intro posts are intros only, and I’ll admit right away, that this is an intro post as well. If you’ve gone through this, skip this and go to part 2 (to be posted soon, or even skip to part 3 which will be much more about what a larger implementation looks and works like). I did feel it was worth it to write this first part to get everyone on the same page when I go further with the next posts. Starting with further technical work isn’t good practice if not everyone is there to begin with.

Here in part 1, we’re going to talk through getting Airflow set up and running locally, and create a very basic single task — writing dates to a file. Seems like two quick parts, but going through the fuller process and small will be lead to better understanding.

As always, get in contact if you think something I wrote is wrong, I’ll edit and make the fix.

Get Airflow Running

Open up a new terminal session and pwd. You’ll find you’re in the base directory for your user. As with all python projects, we’re going to want an environment in order to have everything packaged up. I’ll use virtualenv. With the following commands, I’ll have that set up, install airflow, and get the airflow config set.

jds:~ jackschultz$ pwd
jds:~ jackschultz$ mkdir venvs
jds:~ jackschultz$ virtualenv -p python3 venvs/bidaf # Stands for Bigish Data Airflow. In some of the screenshots it's a different value. Go and ignore that.
jds:~ jackschultz$ source venvs/bidaf/bin/activate
(pmaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ pip install 'airflow[postgres]' # needed for the Airflow db
(pmaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ mkdir ~/airflow && cd ~/airflow
(pmaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ airflow version
  ____________       _____________
 ____    |__( )_________  __/__  /________      __
____  /| |_  /__  ___/_  /_ __  /_  __ \_ | /| / /
___  ___ |  / _  /   _  __/ _  / / /_/ /_ |/ |/ /
 _/_/  |_/_/  /_/    /_/    /_/  \____/____/|__/
**whatever the current version is**
(pmaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ ls

The reason we’re in ~/airflow  is because that’s the default AIRFLOW_HOME env variable value. If you don’t want to be in the base directory, you can export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/dev/bigishdata/airflow and then use that as the directory. Do that if you’d like, but make sure that export AIRFLOW_HOME line is in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or whatever ​ ~/.*rc file you use for your terminal because we’re going to be using a bunch of tabs and want to make sure they all have the same AIRFLOW_HOME. If you’re not going to use ~/airflow as the home, you’re going to have problems unless you’re always exporting this env var.

I’m kind of making a big deal about AIRFLOW_HOME , but that’s because it caused me some problems when I started. For example, some of the screenshots will show different directories. This is because I played around with this for a while before settling on a final set up.

Airflow needs a database where it will store all the information about the tasks — when they were run, the statuses, the amount and a ton of other information you’re going to see — and it defaults to sqlite. That’s quick and easy to get going, but I’d say go right to postgres. In order to change that default, we need to go to the config file that the airflow version command created.

First though, create a database, a table (I call airflow), a user (airflowuser), and password for that user (airflowpassword). Search for examples of  how to create databases and users elsewhere.

Above, when you called airflow version, a config file was created –  ~AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow.cfg. With the database created, take that url and replace the default sql_alchemy_conn variable:

sql_alchemy_conn = postgresql+psycopg2://airflowuser:airflowpassword@localhost:5432/airflow

Back to the command line, and run:

(bidaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ airflow initdb

And then back to the postgres console command line, describe the tables and see the following:

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 2.42.49 PM

With this, you can see some of the complexity in Airflow. Seeing this shows Airflow is set up. If you’re going through this series, you probably won’t understand the tables yet; by the end of the series you’ll know a lot about the relations.

Go again back to the command line and run:

(pmaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ airflow webserver --port 8080

and see:


Then go to localhost:8080 and the admin screen, which is the highly touted UI. Like the table names, the UI will look more than a little complex at the start, but very understandable with experience.


Simple DAG — Directed Acyclic Graph

In terms of terminology, you’ll see the abbreviation DAG all the time. A DAG a way to explain which tasks are run and in which order. The aforementioned task refers to what will actually be run.

Looking at the admin UI, you can see the example DAGs that come with Airflow to get started. When writing DAGs, you’ll probably go through many of those to see how they’re set up and what’s required to have them run. Don’t feel bad about that; these DAG examples are fantastic to use.

Below is the full file we’ll have running. Look through it a little, as you’ll probably understand some of what’s going on. When you get to the bottom, keep reading and I’ll go through what it’s like when writing this.

# AIRFLOW_HOME/dags/write_to_file.py

from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
import datetime as dt

filename = 'self_logs/dt.txt'

def write_to_file(**kwargs):
    kwarg_filename = kwargs['filename']
    execution_time = kwargs['ts']
    dtn = dt.datetime.now()
    with open(kwarg_filename, 'a') as f:  # 'a' means to append
        f.write(f'{dtn}, {execution_time}\n')

default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow',
    'retries': 0
dag = DAG('writing_to_file',
          'start_date': dt.datetime.now(), 

write_to_file_operator = PythonOperator(task_id='write_to_file',
                                        op_kwargs={'filename': filename}, dag=dag)

Start at the bottom and see the write_to_file_operator variable and how it’s an instance of PythonOperator.

An Operator is a class that “determines what actually gets done by a task”. A PythonOperator, when run, will run the python code that comes from the python_callable function. A BashOperator will run a bash command. There are tons of Operators that are open source that perform multiple tasks. You’ll see a few examples of these in the series, and also by the end will have written your own. For now, just go with the definition above about how Operators have the code for what the task does.

One thing about Operators you’ll seen in examples is how most of them take keyword arguments to talk about what to do. I’m not really a fan of that because it makes it seem like Airflow is only based on configs, which is one of the things I want to avoid with these tasks. I want to have the code written and not fully rely on cryptic Operators.

For now though, in the PythonOperator kwargs, you’ll see some things. First check the  python_callable, which is the function the Operator will call. Here it’s write_to_file that’s written above. Next, check the provide_context which we set to True. This flag says to give the callables information about the execution of the DAG. You also see  op_kwargs which will be passed to the python_callable. With this, we’re telling the function where to write the date.

As for the task_id, it is the name that will show up in the tree / graph view in the webserver. It can be whatever name you want, and there’s some consideration with making sure versions of that are correct, but for now, I’m keeping that name the same as the python_callable.

Going up to the callable itself, you’ll see first the filename that we’re going to write to. That’s from the op_kwargs from the PythonOperator instantiation.  You then see two timestamps. First is the execution time, which is the time that airflow scheduler starts that task. When running this DAG and looking at the values, you’ll see that time has certain number of microseconds, but always 10 seconds apart. The second timestamp, which is when the code is run, will be a varying number of seconds after the start of the execution. This is because of the work to get the code running. Keep this in mind when using timestamps in operators in the future. The rest of the function writes the two timestamps to that file.

Run First DAG

With the DAG file created, we want to run it and see what’s going on with the output.

First step is to open a new tab in the terminal, activate the venv, make sure you have the correct value for AIRFLOW_HOME, and run

(pmaf) jds:airflow jackschultz$ airflow scheduler

Go back to the browser and the admin page, and you’ll see the writing_to_file name in the DAG column, which means the webserver found that new DAG file with the name writing_to_file which we gave.

Click on the link for ​writing_to_file, which should take you to http://localhost:8080/admin/airflow/tree?dag_id=writing_to_file, and you should see this.

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 3.26.43 PM.png

This is the Tree View, and you can see the one operator is write_to_file which is the task_id we gave the PythonOperator.

Go upper left and click the ‘Off’ button to ‘On’ to get the task running. To watch this, go to the terminal and watch the scheduler start to throw out logs from the scheduling every 10 seconds. Go to browser and reload the tree view page and you’ll see red marks because of failure.

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 3.30.10 PM.png

The DAG is running, but why is it failing?

Debugging with logs

We can get to testing in the future, but for now, we’re going to debug using the logs.

In order to see what the issue is, go to logs/writing_to_file/write_to_file in the Finder and see new folders be created every 10 seconds, one for each task. Go ahead and view the log and you’ll see that there’s an error being sent.

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 3.43.42 PM.png

Turns out that in line 10, we’re trying to write to a file that doesn’t exist because we haven’t created self_logs/ directory. Either go to another terminal and mkdir self_logs/. With the scheduler still running, view back to the log directory and watch for new logs for newly executed tasks.

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 3.46.44 PM.png

Much better and correct looking log where we can see it going through.

Finally, go to self_logs/dt.txt and watch the datetimes come through. (And you can see I was writing this).

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 3.45.33 PM.png

One last step, and this is in terms of logging. When running code, many times you’ll want to print log statements, and in Airflow, printed values go to those log files. To show this, go back to the python_callable and add the following print line just before the file write:

print('Times to be written to file:', dtn, execution_time)

Save the file, and go back to watch the logs come in. What you’ll see is this line being added:

[2020-03-29 15:46:59,416] {logging_mixin.py:112} INFO - Times to be written to file: 2020-03-29 15:46:59.415603 2020-03-29T20:46:45.041274+00:00

This shows two things. First is that you can print and log to find errors in initial local development, and second, shows that code updates will be run on each execution of the task. The scheduler picked up the added line. In some web frameworks for example, if you change the code, you might have to restart your local server to have the changes be included. Here, we don’t have to, and those values will come in the logs.


If you got this far, you’re set up with a first DAG that writes to a file .We showed the steps to get airflow running locally, and then up and going with a basic self written task and seeing the activity.

That doesn’t sound like a lot, but with how big Airflow is, going from nothing to an initial set up, now matter how small, is a big part of the battle.

In Part 2 of this series, we’re going to take these tasks, hook them up to a different database, write the datetimes there, and have another task in the DAG format the time that was written. With that, you’ll be much more comfortable with being able to connect to services anywhere.


Optimizing a Daily Fantasy Sports NBA lineup — Knapsack, NumPy, and Giannis

Pic when I was sitting courtside on Oct 24th, 2018. If you zoom in a little, you can see Giannis about to make a screen, while Embiid watches from the other side of the court to help out if the screen is successful. Both players were in the optimal lineup that night.


In the data world, when looking for projects or an interesting problem, sports almost always gives you the opportunity. For a lot of what I write, I talk about getting the data because the sports leagues rarely if ever give the data away. That gets a little repetitive, so I wanted to change it up to something interesting that’s done after you get the data, like how to optimize a lineup for NBA Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS).

Before continuing, I’ll say that this isn’t about me making money from betting. In the past season I made lineups for some of the nights, but realized quickly that in order to win, you really need to know a ton about the sport. I love watching the NBA in the winter, love watching the Bucks, but don’t follow all other teams close to enough compared to others. Still, I found it worth it to keep getting the data during the regular season and found it most interesting to find out who would have been in the best lineup that night, and then look back at the highlights to see why a certain player did well.

Because of that, I took the code I used, refactored it some, and wrote this up to show what I did to get to the point where I can calculate the best lineup.


This optimization is generally categorized as a Knapsack problem. The wiki page for the Knapsack Problem defines it as follows:

“””Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.”””

Or, self described – If you’re stealing items of known value, but only are able to carry a certain amount of weight, how do you figure out which items to take?

This DFS problem though is slightly different than the standard Knapsack problem, and makes it much more interesting.

FanDuel Rules

The DFS site I’m using for this is FanDuel, one of the two main Daily Fantasy Sports sites. Their rules for the NBA are that all players are assigned a position, Point Guard (PG), Shooting Guard (SG), Small Forward (SF), Power Forward (PF), and Center (C). A line up will have 2 PGs, 2 SGs, 2 SFs, 2 PFs, and 1 C. Each player is given a salary, and the combined salary of the players in your lineup must not be above $60,000. For reference, to give a sense of salary distribution, and what you’ll see in the final solution for best lineup of October 24th, 2018, MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo had a salary of $11,700, and ear blower and member of the Lakers Meme-Team, Lance Stephenson has a salary of $3,900. This data was given in csv files from FanDuel that we can download.

The amount of points a player gets depends on a bunch of stats for the night, positive points for things like actual points, rebounds, 3 point attempts made, assists, steals, and negative points for things like turnovers. This data comes from nba.com which I scraped and loaded into postgres.


Below is a screenshot of what an example salary csv file that we can download looks like. Note that this is for a different date than the example day I’m using. I didn’t get the csv from FanDuel on that date, I had to scrape it from somewhere else, but it’s still important to give a look of what the csv file looks like. For our simple optimization, we only need the name, the position, and the salary of all the players.

Secondly, we need the stat lines which I then use to calculate the number of points a player got in a night. Below is a screenshot from stats.nba.com where it show’s how a player did that night. I have a script that scrapes that data the next day and puts that into the db.

If you look at the data csv files in the repo, all I have here is the name, position, salary, and points earned. This is a post about optimization, not about data gathering. If you’re wondering a little, here’s the query I used to get the data. I have players, positions, stat_lines, games, and some other tables. A lot of work goes into getting all this data synced up.

select p.id as pid, p.fd_name as name, sl.fd_positions as pos, sl.fd_salary as sal, sl.fd_points as pts from stat_lines sl join games g on sl.game_id=g.id join players p on p.id=sl.player_id where g.date='2018-10-24' and sl.fd_salary is not null order by sal desc


Here’s the link to all the code on github. In it, you’ll find the csv files of data, three separate scripts to run the three different optimization methods, and three files for the Jupyter notebooks to look at a simplified example of the code.


In the rest of the post, I’ll go through the three slightly different solutions for the problem. The first uses basic python elements and is pretty slow. The second brisk solution uses libraries like Pandas and NumPy to speed up the calculation quite a bit. The final fast solution goes beyond the second, ignoring most python structures, and uses matrices to improve the quickness an impressive amount.

In all cases, I made simple Jupyter files that go through how they each combine positions which hopefully give a little interactive example of the differences to try to show it more than words can do. In each case, when you go through them, you’ll see at the bottom they all return the same answer of what are the best players, what their combined salary is, and what their point totals are.

I talk about salaries, points, and indexes a lot. Salaries are the combined salaries of the players in a group, points are the combined points of the players in a group, and indexes are the the indexes from the csv file or the pandas dataframe which represent which players are in a group. Instead of indexes, we could use their names instead. Don’t get this confused when I talk about the indexes in the numpy arrays / matrixes that are needed to find which groupings are the best. To keep the index talk apart, I’ll refer to the indexes of the players as the player indexes. Also, I sometimes mix salary and cost, so if you see either of those words, they refer to the same thing.

If you have any questions, want clarification, or find mistakes, get in contact. Also I have twitter if you feel like looking at how little I tweet.

Basic solution

Time to talk about the solutions. There are effectively two parts to the problem at the start of basic. The first is combining the positions themselves together. From the FD rules, we need two PGs together. The goal of this is to return, for each salary as an input, the combination of players of the same position who have a combined salary less than the inputted salary with the most combined points.

Said a different way, for each salary of the test, we want to double loop through the same initial position array, and find the most successful combination where the combined salary is less than the salary we’re testing against.

The second part deals with combining each of those returned values together. Say we have the information about the best two PGs and the best two SGs. Again, for each salary as input, it returns the best combination of players below that salary. This is pretty much identical to what I said about the first part, with the only difference being that we didn’t start with two groups of the same players. Loop through the possible values of the salary possibilities, double loop through the arrays of positions, find the players who have the max points where the sum of their salaries is less than the salary value we’re testing.

There’s a lot of code in the solution, so I’ll post only a little, which was taken from the Jupyter file I created to further demonstrate. Click that, go through the lines of example code, and look at the double loops and see how the combinations are created. If you’re reading this, it’s worth it. To get a full look look here’s the link directly to the file on github.

#pgs, and sgs have the format of [(salary, points, [inds...])...]
#where salary is the combined cost of the players with inds in inds, points is the sum of points.

test_salary = 45000 #example test salary.
max_found_points = 0
for g1 in pgs:
    for g2 in sgs:
        if g1[0] + g2[0] > test_salary:
            break #assuming in sorted salary order, which they are
        points = g1[1] + g2[1]
        if points > max_found_points:
            max_found_points = points
            top_players = g1[2] + g2[2] #combining two lists
            top_points = points
            top_sal = g1[0] + g2[0]
return (top_sal, top_points, top_players)
#after the loop we have a new tuple of the same format (salary, points, [inds])
#where this is the best combo of players in pgs and sgs who don't have a total salary
#sum greater than the test salary

Here’s a slow gif of it running where you can see the time it takes to do the combinations. In the end, it prints out the names and info for the winners in the lineup. I also use cProfile and pstats to time the script, and also show where it’s being slow. This run took a tiny bit under 50 seconds to run (as you’ll see from the timing logs) so don’t think you’ll have to sit there and wait for minutes.

Brisk solution

After completing the first, most basic solution, it was time to move forward and write the solution which removes some of those loops by using numpy arrays.

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How to Build Your Own Blockchain Part 3 — Writing Nodes that Mine and Talk

Hello all and welcome to Part 3 of building the JackBlockChain — JBC. Quick past intro, in Part 1 I coded and went over the top level math and requirements for a single node to mine its own blockchain; I create new blocks that have the valid information, save them to a folder, and then start mining a new block. Part 2 covered having multiple nodes and them having the ability to sync. If node 1 was doing the mining on its own and node 2 wanted to grab node 1’s blockchain, it can now do so.

For Part 3, read the TL;DR right below to see what we got going for us. And then read the rest of the post to get a (hopefully) great sense of how this happened.

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Nodes will compete to see who gets credit for mining a block. It’s a race! To do this, we’re adjusting mine.py to check if we have a valid block by only checking a section of nonce values rather than all the nonces until a match. Then APScheduler will handle running the mining jobs with the different nonce ranges. We shift the mining to the background if we want node.py to mine as well as being a Flask web service. By the end, we can have different nodes that are competing for first mining and broadcasting their mined blocks!

Before we start, here’s the code on Github if you want to checkout the whole thing. There are code segments on here to illustrate about what I did, but if you want to see the entire code, look there. The code works for me, but I’m also working on cleaning everything up, and writing a usable README so people can clone and run it themselves. Twitter, and contact if you want to get in contact.

Mining with APScheduler and Mining Again

The first step here is to adjust mining to have the ability to stop if a different node has found the block with the index that it’s working on. From Part 1, the mining is a while loop which will only break whenz it finds a valid nonce. We need the ability to stop the mining if we’re notified of a different node’s success.

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How to Build Your Own Blockchain Part 2 — Syncing Chains From Different Nodes

Welcome to part 2 of the JackBlockChain, where I write some code to introduce the ability for different nodes to communicate.

Initially my goal was to write about nodes syncing up and talking with each other, along with mining and broadcasting their winning blocks to other nodes.   In the end, I realized that the amount of code and explanation to accomplish all of that was way too big for one post. Because of this, I decided to make part 2 only about nodes beginning the process of talking for the future.

By reading this you’ll get a sense of what I did and how I did it. But you won’t be seeing all the code. There’s so much code involved that if you’re looking for my total implementation you should look at the entire code on the part-2 branch on Github.

Like all programming, I didn’t write the following code in order. I had different ideas, tried different tactics, deleted some code, wrote some more, deleted that code, and then ended up with the following.

This is totally fine! I wanted to mention my process so people reading this don’t always think that someone who writes about programming does it in the sequence they write about it. If it were easy to do, I’d really like to write about different things I tried, bugs I had that weren’t simple to fix, parts where I was stuck and didn’t easily know how to move forward.

It’s difficult to explain the full process and I assume most people reading this aren’t looking to know how people program, they want to see the code and implementation. Just keep in mind that programming is very rarely in a sequence.

Twitter, contact, and feel free to use comments below to yell at me, tell me what I did wrong, or tell me how helpful this was. Big fan of feedback.

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If you’re looking to learn about how blockchain mining works, you’re not going to learn it here. For now, read part 1 where I talk about it initially, and wait for more parts of this project where I go into more advanced mining.

At the end, I’ll show the way to create nodes which, when running, will ask other nodes what blockchain they’re using, and be able to store it locally to be used when they start mining. That’s it. Why is this post so long? Because there is so much involved in building up the code to make it easier to work with for this application and for the future.

That being said, the syncing here isn’t super advanced. I go over improving the classes involved in the chain, testing the new features, creating other nodes simply, and finally a way for nodes to sync when they start running.

For these sections, I talk about the code and then paste the code, so get ready.

Expanding Block and adding Chain class

This project is a great example of the benefits of Object Oriented Programming. In this section, I’m going to start talking about the changes to the Block class, and then go in to the creation of the Chain class.

The big keys for Blocks are:

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How to Build Your Own Blockchain Part 1 — Creating, Storing, Syncing, Displaying, Mining, and Proving Work

I can actually look up how long I have by logging into my Coinbase account, looking at the history of the Bitcoin wallet, and seeing this transaction I got back in 2012 after signing up for Coinbase. Bitcoin was trading at about $6.50 per. If I still had that 0.1 BTC, that’d be worth over $500 at the time of this writing. In case people are wondering, I ended up selling that when a Bitcoin was worth $2000. So I only made $200 out of it rather than the $550 now. Should have held on.

Thank you Brian.

Despite knowing about Bitcoin’s existence, I never got much involved. I saw the rises and falls of the $/BTC ratio. I’ve seen people talk about how much of the future it is, and seen a few articles about how pointless BTC is. I never had an opinion on that, only somewhat followed along.

Similarly, I have barely followed blockchains themselves. Recently, my dad has brought up multiple times how the CNBC and Bloomberg stations he watches in the mornings bring up blockchains often, and he doesn’t know what it means at all.

And then suddenly, I figured I should try to learn about the blockchain more than the top level information I had. I started by doing a lot of “research”, which means I would search all around the internet trying to find other articles explaining the blockchain. Some were good, some were bad, some were dense, some were super upper level.

Reading only goes so far, and if there’s one thing I know, it’s that reading to learn doesn’t get you even close to the knowledge you get from programming to learn. So I figured I should go through and try to write my own basic local blockchain.

A big thing to mention here is that there are differences in a basic blockchain like I’m describing here and a ‘professional’ blockchain. This chain will not create a crypto currency. Blockchains do not require producing coins that can be traded and exchanged for physical money. Blockchains are used to store and verify information. Coins help incentive nodes to participate in validation but don’t need to exist.

The reason I’m writing this post is 1) so people reading this can learn more about blockchains themselves, and 2) so I can try to learn more by explaining the code and not just writing it.

In this post, I’ll show the way I want to store the blockchain data and generate an initial block, how a node can sync up with the local blockchain data, how to display the blockchain (which will be used in the future to sync with other nodes), and then how to go through and mine and create valid new blocks. For this first post, there are no other nodes. There are no wallets, no peers, no important data. Information on those will come later.

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If you don’t want to get into specifics and read the code, or if you came across this post while searching for an article that describes blockchains understandably, I’ll attempt to write a summary about how a blockchains work.

At a super high level, a blockchain is a database where everyone participating in the blockchain is able to store, view, confirm, and never delete the data.

On a somewhat lower level, the data in these blocks can be anything as long as that specific blockchain allows it. For example, the data in the Bitcoin blockchain is only transactions of Bitcoins between accounts. The Ethereum blockchain allows similar transactions of Ether’s, but also transactions that are used to run code.

Slightly more downward, before a block is created and linked into the blockchain, it is validated by a majority of people working on the blockchain, referred to as nodes. The true blockchain is the chain containing the greatest number of blocks that is correctly verified by the majority of the nodes. That means if a node attempts to change the data in a previous block, the newer blocks will not be valid and nodes will not trust the data from the incorrect block.

Don’t worry if this is all confusing. It took me a while to figure that out myself and a much longer time to be able to write this in a way that my sister (who has no background in anything blockchain) understands.

If you want to look at the code, check out the part 1 branch on Github. Anyone with questions, comments, corrections, or praise (if you feel like being super nice!), get in contact, or let me know on twitter.

Step 1 — Classes and Files

Step 1 for me is to write a class that handles the blocks when a node is running. I’ll call this class Block. Frankly, there isn’t much to do with this class. In the __init__ function, we’re going to trust that all the required information is provided in a dictionary. If I were writing a production blockchain, this wouldn’t be smart, but it’s fine for the example where I’m the only one writing all the code. I also want to write a method that spits out the important block information into a dict, and then have a nicer way to show block information if I print a block to the terminal.

class Block(object):
  def __init__(self, dictionary):
    We're looking for index, timestamp, data, prev_hash, nonce
  for k, v in dictionary.items():
    setattr(self, k, v)
  if not hasattr(self, 'hash'): #in creating the first block, needs to be removed in future
    self.hash = self.create_self_hash()

  def __dict__(self):
    info = {}
    info['index'] = str(self.index)
    info['timestamp'] = str(self.timestamp)
    info['prev_hash'] = str(self.prev_hash)
    info['hash'] = str(self.hash)
    info['data'] = str(self.data)
    return info

  def __str__(self):
    return "Block<prev_hash: %s,hash: %s>" % (self.prev_hash, self.hash)

When we’re looking to create a first block, we can run the simple code.

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